Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekly Blues Countdown

Over the weekend I heard from a number of local Chicago blues artists. It's exciting to get connected and I continue to invite all of you into the conversation. My mind is still on radio and it's role in resurrecting the popularity of blues. I had a great conversation with Blackjack whom many of you know from the Windy City Blues Society last week about blues radio. Do you know that if you pick up a copy of Billboard magazine that there wouldn't be a list of the top 10 blues songs for the last week. Why not? The list the top 10 bluegrass songs. Nothing against bluegrass, but, doesn't blues deserve the same courtesy? Most of us music fans have at some time watched or listened to one of the many programs that count down the weeks top selling songs. Each week you tune in to see if your favorite song or artist moved up or fell off the chart. You see if your favorite artist was making a special appearance on the program. You form opinions on what artists should be on the chart and which shouldn't. You pay some extra attention to an artist that you otherwise wouldn't have. You form a relationship with the program host, the artists, the advertisers. Well, where are the blues countdown programs and why aren't hosts or station managers or advertisers creating these types of shows. Why aren't artists and labels pushing for them? I want to know who sold the most last week or who got the most airplay. It really takes the pulse of what the country is listening to and buying. Is there a program out there that I'm not aware of? Am I the only one who thinks this?

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